Here I am
outside the homes of Mick Jagger and Keith Richards (about 40 metres apart) on Cheyne Walk overlooking the River Thames in Chelsea. Before
The Rolling Stones gained success they lived nearby in Edith Grove and lived
domestically only a level above sewers rats due to a lack of income. By the
late sixties money was flushing and in May 1968 they both bought houses here.
Mick bought
number 3 for a whopping £50,000 and Keith bought number 48 (amount unknown,
former home of the actor John Barrymore). Mick lived here with girlfriend
Marianne Faithful (The Chelsea Drugs Squad raided the place) then his wife
Bianca. Keith lived with Anita Pallenberg.
The houses
which have repelled butchery to apartments now sell for about £25 million.
Many names
from history have lived on Cheyne Walk. The link is:-
Some died
here: painter J M W Turner (number 119) and novelist George Eliot (number 4.)
Mick has since
moved back spending £10 million on a house in 2009 (his neighbours are Lord and
Lady Guinness.)